Soup of the day

We offer an assorted variety of healthy vegetarian and non-vegetarian soups daily.

Our chef Assia, brings every day to your table the best ingredients and combinations inspired by her French -Moroccan heritage.

This week’s special: our famous Butternut Squash Soup, it’s not only good for your senses, but it also brings a good source of fiber, potassium, and several other key nutrients. The nutritional content of squash makes it beneficial for digestion, blood pressure, and for healthy skin and hair, among others.

What Butternut Squash Can Do for You

It’s a great hydrator. One serving of butternut squash is roughly 87% water, which can help keep you hydrated.

It’s good for your immune. Like other orange-colored fruits and vegetables, butternut squash is full of beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. Your body converts them to vitamin A, which is important for your immune system. It’s excellent for your eyes. 

Come and try our healthy and homemade soups like this one.

Carolina Munoz